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Saturday 21 October 2017

Cucumber Oil

Benefits of Cucumber oil:

1. Augments skin health and supports radiating complexion:
Cucumber oil has stupendous revitalizing and nourishing properties that help in treating dull, damaged or mature skin conditions. The presence of linoleic acid and oleic acid in cucumber makes it an excellent aid for skin problems including acne, blackheads, sunburns, psoriasis, eczema and certain other inflammatory skin conditions.
The antioxidant properties of cucumber oil are attributed to the significant existence of tocopherol and tocotrienol substance along with the three lignans including secoisolariciresinol, lariciresinol and pinoresinol. These elements make Cucumber oil powerful in fighting against the free radicals responsible for aging symptoms, skin damages and several types of cancer, including ovarian cancer, prostate cancer, breast cancer and uterine cancer.
Massaging your skin with 10 drops of Cucumber oil blended with 2 drops of Orange oiland 4 ounce of coconut oil can help in retaining the natural moisture in the skin, repair dry and dull skin surface, treat eczema, psoriasis, rough, scaly and mature skin, reduce wrinkles, aging symptoms and skin eruptions.
A 2011 study on “Exploring Cucumber Extract For Skin Rejuvenation” by Naveed Akhtar, Arshad Mehmood, Barkat Ali Khan, Tariq Mahmood, Haji Muhammad Shoaib Khan and Tariq Saeed, Department of Pharmacy, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur and the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Pakistan, Published in the African Journal of Biotechnology, states that cucumber extract has been proven extremely beneficial for the skin.
These experts also say that Cucumber extracts have passed the maximum number of dermatological tests including skin melanin test, skin erythema test (safety of cosmetics), pH tests, skin moisture content test, skin sebum content test, and trans epidermal water loss test.
This study concludes stating that this was a preliminary initiative in exploring the unknown effects of Cucumber as a topical cream for skin rejuvenation.
It also states that cucumber extracts aid in reducing the melanin content (responsible for skin pigmentation and complexion); has anti-acne effects with its potent to decrease the content of skin sebum.
This study also declares that these analyses have proved to be capable in the context of prospective topical applications of cucumber extract (with its varied skin care properties), as cosmetics, skin-care items and in the manufacturing of pharmaceutical preparations.
You can also add 2 drops of Cucumber oil in a cup of cool water and wash your face for locking the moisture and fight against acne causing micro-organisms.
2. Combats dandruff and explores the natural shine of your locks:
Bouncy, strong, silky and dandruff-free lustrous locks are the dream of many women out there. Men are not an exception though, in longing for healthy hair that is free from hair loss, dandruff and other scalp conditions.
Cucumber is one among those natures’s richest owner of the minerals like silica and sulphur, of which sulphur is known for promoting hair growth and silica fortifies the hair follicles and protect from breakage and loss of hair. Silica is an essential element for supporting the health of connective tissues like skin, muscles, ligaments and bones.
The moisturizing properties of Cucumber oil helps in hydrating the scalp and aids in reducing dryness, itchy and flaky scales on the scalp surface and nourishes the scalp and roots of the hair from within.
Massaging your scalp with 5 ounce of Cucumber oil mixed with 5 drops of Rosemary oiland 5 drops of Brahmi oil and leaving it for 1 hour by wrapping a warm towel (helps the medicated blend to penetrate deeply into your scalp) can assist in reducing dandruff, replenishing the scalp, enhancing the luster of your hair and prevent excessive hair fall. You can also add 5 drops of Cucumber oil in your mild shampoo for fastening the natural moisture in your hair for a longer duration.
This blend can be applied by the swimmers before their swimming voyage in the chlorinated and chemical filled water. This helps in preventing the hair damage naturally.
3. Helps control high blood pressure, cholesterol and diabetes:
Certain studies witness that the presence of sterols in Cucumbers may help in reducing the high level of cholesterol, while the presence of fiber, magnesium and potassium assists in treating high blood pressure. Cucumber also stimulates the secretion of insulin hormones in the pancreas, thus assisting in the treatment of diabetes.
Eating fresh cucumber daily along with adding 5 drops of Cucumber oil in your liquid soap can help in vitalizing your cells and augment your energy levels.
4. Soothes the digestive system, thus helps in treating ulcers and halitosis:
Cucumber oil has the power to soothe and pacify pitta dosha. The excess of which would end up in overindulgence of digestive fire leading to ulcer, high blood pressure, acidity, heartburn, acne, negative emotions, feelings of rage, insomnia, acne and certain other skin eruptions.
Massaging your abdomen and chest with 10 drops of Cucumber oil blended with 2 drops of Peppermint oil can help in cooling the digestive system (intemperance of digestive fire) by soothing the lining of the stomach and intestines. Using 2 drops of Cucumber oil in warm gargle can assist in fighting against bad breath with the presence of phytochemicals.
5. Flushes out toxins and aids in treating rheumatic and inflammatory conditions:
Cucumber has enormous amount of ascorbic acid, contributing to its diuretic properties. This moisture-rich oil helps in replenishing the system with its anti-rheumatic, antioxidant and diuretic properties by flushing out the excess fluid deposits, toxic remains, salt, uric acid, free radicals and fat deposits in the system, which is often responsible for inflammatory conditions like gout, rheumatism, arthritis, swelling, redness, obesity and puffy eyes.
Massaging the affected parts with 5 ounce of Cucumber oil with 5 ounce of Sweet Almond oil can help in promoting frequent urination, thus eliminating toxic remains, free radicals, salt, fat deposits and uric acid, which helps in reducing swelling, skin irritations, muscular soreness, pain, redness and muscular stiffness associated with rheumatism and arthritis.
Pranayama or the art of balanced breathing can help highly in expelling ama or excess toxic substances in the system, where all these toxins are discharged through exhalation.
Inhaling the refreshing fragrance of Cucumber by adding 2 drops of this oil in your air freshener, especially during Pranayama and meditation can grant quicker relief by releasing your mind and body from toxic emotional blocks and harmful toxins in the system.

Tuesday 17 October 2017

Wheat Germ Oil

Wheat Germ Oil Information

Wheat-germ oil is derived from wheat germ, which is considered the "heart" of wheat since it's found at the center of the wheat berry. It feeds the wheat plant with nutrients to help it germinate and grow. Wheat germ is the most nutritious component of the wheat kernel and contains 23 different nutrients, including protein, B vitamins, omega-3 fatty acids, iron and calcium. Its dense nutritional benefits make it a healthy addition to your diet. The oil is also nutrient-packed, which makes it particularly well-suited to moisturizing and soothing your skin.

Benefits of Wheat Germ Oil

Wheat-germ oil is readily absorbed by your skin, which makes it an effective moisturizer and an appropriate topical treatment. When applied to your skin, wheat-germ oil delivers a healthy infusion of vitamin A, vitamin D, B vitamins, antioxidants and fatty acids. These nutrients not only moisturize and heal dry or cracked skin, they also help prevent scarring. In particular, wheat-germ oil is a rich source of vitamin E, which helps reduce skin damage, fight free radicals, support healthy collagen formation and maintain even skin tone.

Watermelon Seed Oil

Properties of Watermelon Seed Oil

Watermelon seed oil is rich in many properties that make it nutritious and healing for the skin. Some of these components include:
  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin B
  • Vitamin E
  • Minerals (magnesium, manganese, iron, copper, potassium, phosorous)
  • Linoleic acid
  • Oleic acid
  • Palmitic acid
  • Stearic acid

10 Beauty Benefits of Watermelon Seed Oil

1. Use in Oil Cleansing

Oil cleansing is the trendy new method of cleansing your face that you may have heard about. There is no soap involved at all. Only oil and a cloth dipped in hot water are used to cleanse, clean and exfoliate the face. Watermelon seed oil makes a perfect oil for oil cleansing because it really penetrates the skin and removes impurities, dirt and dead skin. You can use watermelon seed oil alone, or in combination with a thick oil like castor oil.

2. Removes Dark Circles

Watermelon seed is great at reducing and removing dark circles around the eyes. It contains a good amount of Vitamin E, which is critical in dark circle removal. Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant and it contributes in eliminating dark circles by fighting free radical damage and promoting blood circulation to the area. Dab 2 drops of watermelon seed oilunder the eyes every night before you go to sleep.

3. Works as a Carrier Oil

You can use watermelon seed oil as a carrier oil for essential oils. Dilute 8 – 12 drops of your essential oil of choice in ½ a cup of watermelon seed oil. You can use this on your skin or hair. For hair growth, mix 10 drops of rosemary essential oil in ½ a cup of watermelon seed oil and massage this into your scalp. For skin application, mix 12 drops of frankincense essential oil in ½ cup of watermelon seed oil and apply all over your body.

4. For Massage

Watermelon seed oil actually makes a wonderful massage oil, much like olive oil! It is non-greasy and can be used for full body massages with firm pressure. It also makes a great oil to use in massaging babies and those with sensitive skin.

5. For Skin Detoxification

You may already know that watermelons and watermelon seeds have powerful detoxification properties. This is because they are rich in numerous vitamins and trace minerals. These detoxification properties are embodied within the oil. Applied on the skin, it can help remove impurities and toxic matter, leaving your skin cleansed and nourished.
6. As a Moisturizer
Ever thought of making your own lotion or body oil to moisturize your body? Well watermelon seed oil is actually one of the best oils you can use for your skin because it gets absorbed so quickly! It works for all skin types. But if you have oily skin, you will love it! For oily skin, make a moisturizing body oil with ½ cup of watermelon seed oil and 10 drops of your essential oil of choice (I love rose otto essential oil in my body oils). Store this in a 4 oz amber dropper bottle. For dry skin, whip ½ cup of shea butter with ¼ cup of watermelon seed oil using a hand mixer, to make a deeply moisturizing body butter. Store the butter in a 4 oz amber jar.

7. Fights Wrinkles and Aging

Watermelon seed oil has a high linoleic and oleic acid content, which make it potent in fighting wrinkles and premature aging. Those who want a light oil that has anti-aging properties will love watermelon seed oil. Try it, you won’t regret it!

8. For Hyperpigmentation

Suffering from uneven skin tone? This is also known as hyperpigmentation, where some areas of the skin have more melanin than others. It makes some parts of the skin appear darker that the rest. The trace minerals and omega acids found in watermelon seed oil can help with hyperpigmentation. Combine with other oils such as turmeric oil and lemon oil to clear hyperpigmentation on the face, knees, elbows and knuckles.

9. Reduces Puffiness & Water Retention

There’s actually a study carried out showing that watermelon seed oil has a significant effect in reducing water retention or edema. This means that watermelon seed oil is a powerful remedy to reduce puffiness in any area of the skin. It works well in reducing under eye puffiness and eye bags.

10. For Hair Care

Being a light oil, watermelon seed oil is perfect if you want to moisturize your hair without weighing it down with heavy oils. Apply watermelon seed oil on your hair to tone down frizzy hair. It gives you a light, sleek look without being greasy at all. Best of all, this oil has a great nutritional profile that helps to grow thick and healthy hair.

Rose Oil

Rose essential oil is made by extracting Rosa damascena, and researchers have uncovered that it contains several therapeutic compounds known to promote healing in the body:
  • Citronellol – effective mosquito repellant (also found in citronella).
  • Citral – strong antimicrobial that is necessary for vitamin A synthesis (also found in lemon myrtle and lemongrass).
  • Carvone – effective digestive aid (also found in caraway and dill).
  • Citronellyl Acetate – responsible for the pleasant flavor and aroma of roses, which is why it’s used in many skin and beauty products.
  • Eugenol – powerhouse behind clove, the richest antioxidant in the world.
  • Farnesol – natural pesticide (also found in orange blossom, jasmine and ylang-ylang).
  • Methyl Eugenol – local antiseptic and anesthetic (also found in cinnamonand lemon balm).
  • Nerol – sweet-smelling aromatic antibiotic compound (also found in lemongrass and hops).
  • Phenyl Acetaldehyde – another sweet-smelling and aromatic compound (also found in chocolate).
  • Phenyl Geraniol – natural form of geraniol, which is commonly used in perfumes and fruit flavorings.

Top 3 Rose Oil Benefits

1. Rose Oil Improves Depression

A perfect example of how beneficial Rose oil can be is seen in how it affects depression. As our ancestors battled situations where their mental status was dampened, or otherwise impaired, they would have been naturally drawn to the pleasant sights and smells of the flowers that surrounded them. I have never seen a person take a whiff of a powerful rose and not smile; instead, they remark how incredible and uplifting it is.
The journal Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice recently published a study that set out to prove these types of natural reactions to rose aromatherapy clinically. With a subject group of 28 postpartum women, the researchers separated them into two groups: one who would be treated with 15-minute sessions of a 2.5 percent solution of rose/lavender oilaromatherapy twice a week for four weeks, and a control group.
Their results were quite remarkable. Not only was it discovered that the women experienced a significant decrease in postnatal depression scores, they also reported marked improvement in general anxiety disorder!
How to use rose oil for depression: If you’re ever feeling anxious or down in the dumps, try putting five drops of rose and five drops of lavender in a diffuser by your nightstand before bed. Hopefully you will wake up renewed and at peace!

2. Rose Oil for Skin Health

There are many qualities of rose essential oil that make it beneficial for skin. The antimicrobial and aromatherapy benefits alone are good reason to put a few drops in your DIY lotions and creams.
In 2010, Chinese researchers published a study uncovering that rose oil exhibited one of the strongest bactericidal activities compared to 10 other oils. They also discovered that just after five minutes of a 0.25 percent dilution, Propionibacterium acnes (the bacteria responsible for acne) was completely destroyed!
How to use rose oil for acne: If you suffer from acne, try dabbing one drop of pure rose essential oil on blemishes three times a day. Make sure you use a sterile cotton swab; if the antimicrobial power is too much for you, dilute it slightly with some coconut oil.
Another reason to use rose essential oil for skin health is because of its uncanny ability to increase your skin’s permeability!
As German scientists explained in a 2010 article, one of the most intriguing aspects of rose essential oil is that, “For substances applied in rose oil, a clear relationship between their lipophilic character, chemical structure, and skin permeation could be confirmed.”
Essentially, what this means is that when rose is added to your beauty and skin products, it opens up your skin to absorb more of the chemicals and nutrients.
Used to your advantage, this can be quite life-changing if you mix your own products and include only the best ingredients. On the other hand, if your products are filled with harmful ingredients, even if the manufacturer includes rose oil (as many do), you may be unknowingly exposing yourself to toxic chemicals!

3. Rose Oil for Libido & Hormone Health

Because it acts as an anti-anxiety agent, rose essential oil can greatly help men with sexual dysfunction related to performance anxiety and stress. It has also been reported that it can help balance sex hormones, which can contribute to increased sex drive.

Argan Oil

Oil on Hair and the Benefits You Can Get From Argan Oil
  • The argan tree develops just in one spot on the planet: in the south-west of Morocco. Argan oil is a brilliant tinted vegetable oil that is hand-removed in a period expending strategy by pounding the ready Argan tree natural product nuts. The yield is dictated by the particular Argan seed quality notwithstanding the extraction procedure embraced.
  • Moroccan oil is a standout amongst the most prevalent nonessential items available. It has been known as the most recent wonder ingredien. Unadulterated and natural Moroccan argan oil is the keys to adequacy of these items. Moroccan oil is supposedly extraordinary for hair, skin and nails as a result of its greatly high substance of amino acids, cell reinforcements.
  • Since argan oil Morocco has calming and saturating qualities it can help with a mixed bag of skin conditions. Moroccan argan oil helps dry skin and slick skin, sounds abnormal, yet the sustaining impacts of vitamin E and the free radical lessening and mitigating properties of the cancer prevention agents and amino acids permit the oil to help with conditions like psoriasis, pimple inflammation and dermatitis. Moroccan oil can be utilized by both ladies and men, youthful and old.oil Morocco is even incredible for pregnant ladies on the grounds that the saturating properties keep the arrangement of stretch imprints when rubbed on skin consistently.
  • The cell reinforcements in this oil can repair the harm that brutal chemicals and continuous styling have done to your hair. So in the event that you have hair made frail and fragile by an excess of styling, you can restore your hair's quality by treating it with this oil. Hemani herbal offers a good quality Argan Oil. This oil is much beneficial in face moisturizer, hair styling shine and bath oil.
  • This oil from the argan tree likewise profoundly conditions hair. It can add volume to your hair and make it shinier and bouncier. Not just that, this oil can make a defensive layer around your hair strands so they're protected from warmth harm and bright presentation. It's an incredible item to have in the event that you blow dry your hair, in the event that you utilize hair straightness for styling it, or in the event that you are out in the sun the majority of the day. Your hair will stay lovely with standard utilization of this oil in spite of the anxiety your hair needs to persevere.
  • It's anything but difficult to set up an argan oil hair care regimen. To condition your hair, you can knead the oil onto your scalp before you wash it. For more profound moulding, you can apply the oil on your scalp before going to overnight boarding-house it overnight with your hair wrapped in a towel.